Gagla paths (children´s paths)
For our little guests there are numerous children´s paths = Gaglawege ( in Montafonerisch) to explore, discover, find treasures and playfully learn in nature.
Graf-Hugo Schatzsuchweg (Earl Hugo´s treasure hunt)
Exciting treasure hunt on Garfrescha
Duration approx. 1 hr.
Starts and ends at the Gastahaus Brunellawirt
(Opening times and further information at Gasthaus Brunellawirt)​
Muntafuner Gagla Weg (Montafoner children way)
With a backpack full of equipment tasks are solved
to get to know the Montafon better
These trails take between 1 and 2,5 hours.
and are located throughout the Montafon
Golmi´s Forschungspfad (Golmi´s research path)
On a distance of about 3 kilometres (going down the valley) you will learn many interesting things about the flora and fauna
Start at the mountain station Grüneck
Here you will find the route map
Schmugglerland (Smuggler country)
In Gargellen a children´s path leads along the border to Switzerland
approx. 1 - 1,5 hours walking time
Silberpfad (Silver path)
Here you can playfully experience the fascinating history of mining
about 1,5 hours
There are guided tours.
More information can be found here